The scribes

When work gets you down, one of the few saving graces are the people you work with.

And this is why:

QJ: whattimeyouwannahavecoffeetoday?it's4:05alreadybuti'mnotreallyin thecoffeezoneyet-areyou?

Fonco: you sound like arwen now
Moi: :D
Fonco: but I dont look like gandalf or aragorn
Moi: Haha if only i looked like Arwen :P
Fonco: you want funny ears issit?

Moi: are you bringing the coffee or should i?
Chuahbacca: can buy here
Moi: they sell in malaysia?!
C: no la
C: of course not
C: illegal
Moi: that's what i thought
Moi: so they send everything here to SG
C: i get it from this pimp who lives near my house
C: he smuggles them along with the czech girls he smuggles
Moi: where does he get czech girls from?
C: from china of course
C: don't ask silly questions please..

QJ: straightforward onsite means no need for Chuahbacca?
Fonco: yes i think so
Fonco: i believe so
Moi: so then she doesnt have to be there!
Fonco: YES
Fonco: she does not
QJ: why are we talking about her like she's not here?
QJ: is it because she smells?
QJ: silence means yes
Moi: *awkward silence follows..*
C: what?
C silence means yes
C: yes to what?
C: I smell nice..

And on it goes.. :)

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