Prisoner, turned president

After a funny twist of events, we finally got around to watching Invictus. In one word, the movie is amazing. Goosebumps all the way.. the good kind :)

'I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul'.

It was moving and inspiring and captivating and so much more. The soundtrack was awesome. Morgan Freeman delivered a stunning performance. Matt Damon was hot! *fans herself* There were a couple of lame bits, but in the space of 2 hours, the movie addressed so many different issues, both subtle and overt.

Like tolerance, and forgiveness. Of blood, sweat and tears.

About simply believing in yourself, even if people around you don't, and doing your best with what you have, regardless of the circumstances and against all odds.

How beyond colour and class, we're all human, with the same rights, the same needs and wants.

About standing up for what is right, and fighting for what you
believe in.

A reminder of how great people like Nelson Mandela are, with the kind of vision and philosophy that most leaders of the world today lack.

Watch the movie, if you haven't already. Trust me, it hits you right at the core :)

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