Comin' down, the world turned over

I really need to stop grinning like a retard. And bouncing around in my seat :p

It's an awesome feeling when your pod can read your mind, and the first thing you hear in the morning is your favourite Goo Goo Dolls track. While walking down the slope under a nice blue sky with the wind blowing all over.

This advertisment on a taxi caught my eye on the way to work: And something about private investigators who will find out the truth about what your spouse has been upto. This world's a weird place. No, scratch that. This world's a gorgeous place. It's the people that made it weird/sad/crazy.

My very own quote of the month: 'I think I'm losing what's left of my mind from the last time I lost it..'. Brilliant, I know.

I woke up before the alarm again today, after sleeping at 1am. And I was smiling.. *insert look of puzzled concern* I think I also had a weird dream, but I can't remember much of it, except it involved me getting married *shudder*

One-for-one lunch at Swensons with the boys. Yummylicious macaroni & cheese :D I'm so full and sleepy and happy, and that says nothing about the cheese high to get over :D

Dramafest tonight. Once again, the sibling is gonna make me wonder how he does it. Band, plays, script writing, FYP, tuition and life in general. I think I'm just going to claim fame by association and retire early :p

February's here :D lots to look forward to! To be lame about it, listen to this if you haven't already :) I need to think of a way to celebrate, in keeping with the tradition with honouring the first day of every month :D (it's just an excuse to get all excited and deliriously happy :p) I think you guys should too!


offbrown said...

haha... its and its very famous in singapore... most law firms get evidence for divorce cases from these guys; they are "conveniently" located next to Supreme Court too :-)

Amri said...

Haha really?! :D You learn something new everyday :p I loved how creative and blunt the website address is :D