Random rants...

Humans can never truly be satisfied I think. Either the grass is always greener on the other side, or countless hours will be spent wondering about whether it is greener or not, or even if its a prettier shade of green out yonder...

It is extremely depressing (and a bit amusing) that the tunes and playlists you grew up listening to, identified with and still feel good listening to, can now be found on the 'golden oldies' radio station..

Women were born with the God-given right to have mood swings and be PMS-y. Men were not. So guys, you really don't have an excuse to be that whiny and complain so much.

The older you get, the younger you want to be. My dad warned me about this when I was about 12, when I wanted to learn how to drive. I wish I'd listened to him then.

People using public transport really need to be taught a couple of things about travel etiquette. Mainly, if there is a woman bearing child, or an gentleman old enough to be your grandfather standing in front of you, while you're comfortably settled with your iPod blaring and a book open in your lap, do the right thing and stand up, offer your seat to them (before some other iPod doning teen grabs it) and let them sit through the ride in comfort. Trust me, you'll feel good about doing it later.

It takes a hell of a lot to get me mad at someone or about something. If you somehow manage to cross that line by doing something, there's a good chance you're being stupidly insensitive or downright idiotic, or both. And yes, you should feel bad and apologise, because I don't forgive easily and almost never forget.

If only everyone could just see the humour in life and laugh at themselves more often, we'd have a lot less depressed and angry people going on killing sprees and rampages.

They just don't make boy bands like they used to. At the risk of sounding like my grandma, the current 'generation' of bands are a disturbed lot really, either emo or gothic or a bunch of metalheads- the common theme being black and lots of booze and narcotics. Their music though, is still pretty good. I just worry about them sometimes...

Don't take too much for granted. At some point, you'll have to give back or risk losing everything.

Everyone has a right to live their life the way they want it. You do not have the right to laugh at the introvert next door who prefers to read in his room instead of joining you for a night of getting wasted. He may be living in a fantasy world of vamps and leprechauns, but at least he's happy that way. And, chances are, he won't wake up with a hangover the next morning and only a vague recollection of the nights events.

People should be kind, but not get walked over in the process. Admittedly, this is a lot harder than it sounds. But really, some people are just not worth that much time and effort.

Yes, we all are hypocrites at some point in our life. A lucky few get away without too many people noticing. Just try not to make a habit out of it.

About two rants ago I realised that this was starting to sound a bit like the lyrics to the sunscreen song... But what the heck, all greats have to start somewhere ;)

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