Single girls...

I've come to the conclusion that the single girls I know fall into two broad categories:

1) Those who are actually happy and comfortable to be single, don't have weird issues with men and men related topics, have normal relationships with guys, just haven't found their significant others yet, but aren't depressed or mopey about it either.

2) Those who are single and have issues with being single. These issues manifest themselves in several ways, a few examples being declarations of how men are sad and unnecessary and a waste of time, or of how no guy out there is good enough or the right one or how they'd rather invest in clothes and shoes than in a relationship...I think its what psychologists call a latent defence mechanism... To spare their own selves from the truth... On the other extreme, they just sporadically keep dating but never really commit, and end up very broken at the end.
These girls are a bit difficult to be around, because either there is constant snubbing at couples or men in general, or there are a lot of broken hearts to deal with.

Now this is just something I've observed, because I know girls who fit into both categories, and honestly speaking the ones in the first category are a lot happier and more stable. I'm sure everyone goes through being in both categories at some time or the other, but for their own sake, I hope they don't become a permanent resident in category 2 (it's really not healthy and not much fun to always be so cynical about these things). What's more disturbing is that everyone around category 2 girls, except the girls themselves, knows that they are like this because they don't want to face the harsh truth that they don't want to be single.

There is nothing wrong with being single. It comes with its own merits and freedom, and it only becomes an issue when you start thinking of it as an issue, or start comparing yourself to your attached friends. I'm a very strong believer in the idea that there's a right time and place for everything, and sometimes you just have to wait for the good things in life.

Disclaimer: I'm not trying to be all judgemental about single girls, because I've been single too and I know what it's like. This is just an opinion and a disturbing trend that's caught my attention.


thefallez said...

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..... Nice post. had a lot of fun waiting for it and finally getting to read it =D

Yash said...

Ok I don't know what hes talking about but I guess I can break your second category into 2 more categories.

2.1 Those who hate men and don't ever date anyone. Unless he is someone from a soap opera.

2.2 Those who hate men but still date assholes. and then bitch about it.