Weirdness and annoyance...

I have lately been a passive observer of change. Mainly in other people, but also in myself, on a narcissistic note ;) And as I said in a post not too long ago, people will change. But that doesn't make it any easier to deal with, specially when these are people close to you and more than just acquaintances (or random people on Facebook :P). I've been getting annoyed a lot more than I used to, maybe because I've become less tolerant and 'nice', but also because a lot of people I know and hang out with are becoming so darn insensitive. And sure, you can't make everyone happy all the time, but there's a line you cross when you just stop caring completely. Sad to say, I'm losing my respect for these people, and I'm losing it fast... It could just be the fallacy of thinking, 'oh maybe it's just this once..' because you want to believe the best about someone, but that expectation just slaps you harder in the face when you realise, 'what the hell was I thinking, giving this person another chance??'

So when I look back at the last, say, 5 yrs, and actually count the number of people I still consider 'friends', the number has almost halved from back then, and its continuing to decline. Not because we don't keep in touch the way we used to, but because things have changed so much that I don't want to keep in touch anymore, even for sentimental reasons. From a self-obsessive point of view though, it could be me contributing to the change too, and yeah I admit, I no longer have the patience and forgiveness factor I once did, but that's also due to the way people have been acting and treating me, so for me its been a more 'learn-to-stand-on-your-own-two-feet rather than let people drag you down with them' kind of change... I've not become a mean old hard and cold person though, because I'm still happy, love my life and the special people in it, and still have a very close circle of friends that I would give anything for without a moment's hesitation, because they're worth it...

Disclaimer: This is not a rant against any particular individual(s), so I shall not be answering questions on who I'm talking about or what happened, etc. These are general thoughts and opinions, just like the rest of my posts (well minus some of the visual effects :P)


Yash said...

I find the disclaimer REALLY hard to believe.

Amri said...

Not my problem really...

Unknown said...

wow someone needs a smile on their face :-P